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Am Alten Theater 6
39104 Magdeburg

The Harz/Saxony-Anhalt nature reserve covers around 166,000 hectares and includes the Saxony-Anhalt portion of the Harz mountains and their foothills. The Upper Harz National Park, several nature and countryside conservation areas and the planned southern Harz karst landscape biosphere reserve are within the nature reserve, as well as part of the Harz-Braunschweiger Land-Osfalen geological park.
The river Elbe and its tributaries the Saale and the Mulde still largely occupy their natural riverbeds and form the largest contiguous hardwood riverbank forest in central Europe, the habitat of many rare and endangered species such as the black stork, the Elbe beaver and the great bustard. The Central Elbe biosphere reserve is listed as a protected site by UNESCO.
The Saale-Unstrut-Triasland nature reserve is located in the south of Saxony-Anhalt between Thuringia and Saxony where scenery, culture and history meld together to form a stunning combination. Forests, riverside meadows, dry grassland (where 18 species of orchids are reputed to grow), vineyards, castles, palaces, friendly little towns such as Freyburg, the main wine town, Bad Bibra, Nebra, Laucha and lovely villages the nature reserve has something fascinating for everyone to discover. Wood anemones and green-winged orchids can be found in this densely wooded shell-limestone region which is also home to 71 bird species. The discovery of the "Nebra Sky Disk" has attracted world-wide attention.
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Map of Germany
Highlights in brief
- Magdeburg
State capital, cathedral - Dessau
Bauhaus UNESCO world heritage site - Halle
Town of art on the river Saale, zoo - Quedlinburg
Timbered-framed houses, UNESCO world heritage site, wood worm museum Wittenberg
Luther associations, Melanchthon's house, UNESCO world heritage, castle - Wörlitz
UNESCO world heritage site, landscaped gardens - Naumburg
Cathedral town - Sangerhausen
Rose town, Europarosarium rose gardens - Bad Kösen
spa town, saline spring, Käthe Kruse doll manufacture, Rudelsburg castle - Freyburg
Rotkäppchen sekt