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Places of interest

Bayreuth New Palace, Copyright Kongress- und Tourismuszentrale Bayreuth
Margravine Wilhelmine, sister of Frederick the Great, transformed Bayreuth into a glittering centre of art and culture 250 years ago. Bayreuth's Margravial Opera House is an exceptionally beautiful baroque theatre. The town also boasts a number of attractive palaces and castles, the Hermitage (Eremitage) park with its enchanted grottoes and fountains, the Festival Hall with its acclaimed acoustics and 22 interesting museums.
Margravial Opera House
The Margravial Opera House is said to be Europe's most beautiful intact baroque theatre. It was built for Margravine Wilhelmine by Giuseppe Galli Bibiena and his son Carlo, from the famous Bolognese family of theatre designers. In 1871 the stage, which measures 27 metres from front to back, was still the biggest in Germany – and it was this that first attracted Richard Wagner to Bayreuth.
New Palace
Home of the margraves of Bayreuth. The New Palace, built in 1753 by architect Joseph St. Pierre, has many fine Bayreuth Rococo features, such as the Garden Room and Palm Room, Wilhemine's Music Room and the famous Cabinet of Fragmented Mirrors.
Hermitage and Old Palace
The Hermitage (Eremitage), an historical park outside the town - once a refuge from court life - contains the Old Palace with its Inner Grotto, fountains and a fairytale orangery with central sun temple crowned by Apollo, leader of the muses.
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Date: Sonntag 23.Februar 9:59 Uhr

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