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Nature & greenery

Dense woodlands, bizarre rock canyons, mysterious caves, rushing waterfalls and romantic valleys. All this and much more awaits you in the magical countryside surrounding Goslar. The philosophy at Harz National Park is to leave nature to its own devices, and with the notable exception of the Granetal reservoir, this is clear for all to see. Another highlight is the Snake Sanctuary, the largest "serpent farm" in Europe.
Harz National Park
Harz National Park covers an area of almost 20,000 hectares, at the centre of which stands the 1,142-metre Mount Brocken. Around this peak you'll find the largest unbroken area of mountain spruce forest in Central Germany, along with a mosaic of small hillside moors, rocky subalpine slopes and mountain heaths. Catch glimpses of rare animals and plants that you won't find anywhere else – even the lynx has been reintroduced to the area. The park rangers and information centres will tell you everything you need to know about the region, its wildlife and the local flora and fauna. Harz National Park – a magical destination at any time of year.
Granetal reservoir
The Granetal reservoir is the latest such facility created by the Harz waterworks company. Located close to Goslar, its wall is some 61 metres high, around 600 metres in length, and can store approx. 46,000,000m³ at peak times. The dam was built between 1966 and 1969 from surrounding rubble, and was reinforced with granite blocks from Sweden. As its main objective is to supply drinking water, many types of water sports are not permitted here. The dam also hosts exhibitions and group tours, which include a visit to the control centre.
Schladen Snake Sanctuary
For more than two decades, Schladen has been home to Europe's largest snake farm with over 1,300 of our serpent friends. Covering an area of almost 4,000m², it's a who's who of creepy critters: poisonous snakes, constrictors, crocodiles, alligators, spiders, scorpions and flesh-eating piranhas. There are even rare iguanas and monitor lizards. Don't miss the live show where some of these amazing animals are presented to the audience. The staff will even demonstrate how venom is milked from a poisonous snake. Top tip: on Sunday you can watch the crocodiles and piranhas being fed.
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Date: Sonntag 23.Februar 20:25 Uhr

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