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Jever certainly boasts a great variety of museums. The castle museum has a number of local history treasures from around the region on display in a period setting. The Brewery Museum gives visitors an insight into the fine art of brewing beer, while the Fire Brigade Museum gives visitors an opportunity to experience the exciting world of the fireman.
Castle Museum
Since 1921, Jever Castle has been used as a museum housing the collections of the Antiquity and Local History Society dating from 1887. The historical castle rooms provide the perfect setting for various exhibitions relating to the history of Jever and East Friesland. The Museum of Agriculture, housed in a windmill dating from the 18th or 19th century, is a branch of the Castle Museum.
Brewery Museum
Visitors to the Frisian brewery in Jever can enjoy a fascinating guided tour of the historical brewery museum and the production facilities. Of course, there's also the chance to sample some fine Frisian beer.
Fire Brigade Museum
The Fire Brigade Museum was set up by volunteers in a former goods shed at the railway station, a listed building of historical interest. Visitors are invited to explore an interesting exhibition covering all aspects of the fire brigade - from uniforms to a wooden rotating ladder. On a guided tour of the museum, you'll gain an insight into the various radio and communication techniques used, from the old fire horn to modern-day digital technology.
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Date: Sonntag 23.Februar 20:09 Uhr

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