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Permanent exhibitions

Lübeck Buddenbrooks House, copyright Lübeck und Travemünde Tourist-Service GmbH
Lübeck's museums offer many permanent exhibitions. The exhibition in the Holsten Gate features the Lübeck merchant class. There are fascinating permanent exhibitions on the life and works of Nobel prize winning author Thomas Mann and his brother Heinrich in the Buddenbrooks House and on the life and works of Günter Grass in the house named after him. The story of marzipan is told in the marzipan salon at Café Niederegger.
Holsten Gate
This impressive town gate houses the municipal history museum. Its permanent exhibition is devoted to Lübeck merchant life in the late Middle Ages and early modern period. The merchant class greatly influenced many aspects of Lübeck life - commercial, cultural, architectural and social. The exhibition is part of the exhibition project "Fired grandeur - pathways to brick Gothic architecture".
Buddenbrooks House
The Buddenbrooks House offers a remarkable literary experience on five floors. Special exhibitions and events are held in parallel with the two main exhibitions "The Buddenbrooks – a Novel of a Century" and "The Manns – A Literary Family".
Günter Grass House
The permanent exhibition presents the artistic talents of Günter Grass, a winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, and the close relationship between his literary and artistic work. Alongside Grass's achievements, special exhibitions will also feature other "multiple talents" in literature, the fine arts and music. The house also has a garden with sculptures by Grass, an archive, a library, a shop and a café.
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Date: Montag 24.Februar 22:41 Uhr

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