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Permanent exhibitions

Munich Haus der Kunst arts centre
Permanent exhibitions offer an interesting insight into Munich's history and a range of specific themes. The State Archaeological Collections document a more than 120,000-year history of settlements in Bavaria. The Haus der Kunst arts centre offers visitors an insight into the treasures of Germany's royal residences.
State Archaeological Collections in Munich
Ice-age glaciers still covered the area around Starnberg when the people of the lower Altmühl Valley discovered their perfect hunting ground. How did man come up with the idea of making the hand-axe? How did he keep on producing more and more sophisticated and creative objects? These are just a few of the questions you'll find answers to at the exhibition.
Haus der Kunst arts centre
The "Germany's treasure troves - art in private hands" exhibition shows a selection of 300 striking works of art never before seen, giving an insight into the private "treasure chambers" of Germany's royal residences.
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Date: Montag 24.Februar 10:33 Uhr

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