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German National Tourist Office
122 East 42nd Street, Suite 2000
New York, NY 10168-0072
Tel: (212) 661-7200
Fax: (212) 661-7174
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When it's about the Economy ...

Making sure that the framework conditions are right for Germany's free market economy is the job of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft u. Arbeit - BMWA). The BMWA allots up to 80% of the funds made available to the German National Tourist Board (Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. - DZT).

But the promotion of tourism to Germany is only one of the many tasks of the BMWA. Its focal point is the preservation and strengthening of the German economy. Among its responsibilities are the advancement of European integration, promotion of international trade relations, strengthening of the economic position of small and midsize companies, and the fostering of entrepreneurial spirit in the economy.

A detailed outline of the tasks and goals of the BMWA may be found on the Ministry's homepage. There you will also find the BMWA's database listing the assistance programs available from the Federal Republic of Germany, the individual German states, and the European Union.
