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International extranets in German

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International press centers in German and English
Want to know more about Germany?
Dip into our inspiring E-book and get your first impressions about the sheer diversity of Germany as a travel destination. The E-book is available in 26 different languages. Click here

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You can find more information about Germany on our website at:, or on our local websites.



The world?s biggest musical box
Osnabrück’s historical Christmas market has twice been ranked as one of the prettiest in the region. To put you in the Christmas mood, its festively lit old quarter is taken over by stalls offering gifts, souvenirs and seasonal food and drink. Visit the world’s largest musical box, which plays 25 different Christmas songs, and the fully functional nutcracker that is six metres tall. There is also a silent Christmas market near the Heger Tor gate, where wooden huts offer a taste of the Renaissance in the glow of lamps and candlelight.

Opening times
26.11.2021 - 22.12.2021
Mon - Sun 12:00 - 21:00

Date: Sonntag 9.März 15:31 Uhr

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