The Striezelmarkt on the old market square in Dresden is a thriving tradition that dates all the way back to 1434. Its name comes from 'Striezel', better known as the original Dresden Christstollen. Every year, the Stollen festival and grand parade are held in honour of this famous cake: an enormous Stollen weighing around four tonnes makes its way to the Striezelmarkt where it is ceremoniously cut and handed out. On its way through the streets, the giant cake passes Zwinger Palace, Semper Opera House, Dresden Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady. A truly mouth-watering experience. The stalls are a treasure trove of traditional local crafts: carved wooden items from the mountain villages of the Erzgebirge, blue printed items and pottery from Lusatia, gingerbread from Pulsnitz, intricate hand-made lace from Plauen and advent stars from Herrnhut. At the heart of proceedings is the world's largest Christmas pyramid in the Erzgebirge style. It stands at more than 14 metres and provides the setting for the pyramid festival, a singing contest with a seasonal slant.
Opening times
11/25/2010 - 12/24/2010
Sun - Thu 10:00 - 20:00
Fri - Sat 10:00 - 21:00
24 Dec 2010: 10am - 2pm
Stollen festival: 4 Dec 2021
Pyramid festival: 11 Dec 2021