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Want to know more about Germany?
Dip into our inspiring eBrochure and get your first impressions about the sheer diversity of Germany as a travel destination. The eBrochure is available in 32 languages.


Further information:
You can find more information about Germany on our website at:, or on our local websites.


Granitz Hunting Castle

This late neo-Classical building was reconstructed between 1837 and 1851 under the auspices of Prince Wilhelm Malte I zu Putbus. It contains a 38 m-high central tower designed by Karl-Friedrich Schinkel. From a height of 144 metres a unique panoramic view over the Ruegen Island and the mainland is presenting itself to you.

Restaurant, function rooms, museum/collection.

Jagdschloss Granitz
D-18609 Binz (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Tel.: +49 (0) 3 83 93/22 63
Fax: +49 (0) 38 39 3/2 12 83

Visiting times:
Oct-Apr: Tue-Sun 10am - 4 pm,
Mai-Sept: 9 am - 6 pm daily.

Special features:
  • historic old restaurant and kitchen
  • weddings
  • museum of natural science

Surrounding area:
In close proximity (3 km) to the "German Avenue Road". Situated in the midst of the South-East Ruegen Biospheric Nature Reserve, an area of unparalled nature and cultural heritage in North-Germany.


Date: Montag 24.Februar 18:56 Uhr

Further information about Germany: