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Further information:
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Jewish Museum Berlin

The Jewish Museum Berlin, designed by Daniel Libeskind, is the most significant example of contemporary architecture in Berlin. The silvery, steel-clad building with its sheer, apparently windowless exterior, is reminiscent of a broken Star of David. This internationally acclaimed museum traces German-Jewish history from the Roman Age to the present day and features a windowless Holocaust Tower, whilst outside, in the Garden of Exile, pillars on a slope reflect on the isolation and loss of orientation experienced by those forced to live in exile. Besides the permanent exhibition "Two Millennia of German Jewish History", visitors can experience Jewish culture and history in several of the ongoing special exhibitions throughout the year (see information below). Museum opening hours: Monday from 10am - 10pm, Tuesday-Sunday from 10am - 8pm. Last entrance for visitors is Tuesday-Sunday at 7pm, Monday at 9pm. Closed Sep 19/20, 2009 (Rosch ha-Schana; Sep 9/10 in 2010), Sep 28, 2021 (Jom Kippur; Sep 18 in 2010), December 24 (Christmas).

Special exhibition:

An exhibition about food and religion!

From October 2009, the Jewish Museum Berlin will be dedicating itself to the fascinating relationship between food and faith. Religious laws and customs influence the eating habits of large numbers of people to the present day. Food regulations are very clearly expressed in Judaism, but other cultures also have rules. Why don't most Muslims and Buddhists drink alcohol? Why don't traditionally observant Jews eat oysters and why don't Hindus eat beef? Where did the term "kosher" come from? And what are the St. Martin's goose and the Thanksgiving turkey about? The facts that faith and good food is not a contradiction, or that appetite can be a path to knowledge, are also shown in this tasty exhibition with a view on world religions in the past and in the present. You can visit the special exhibition during the opening hours of the permanent exhibition.

Download brochure

Click here to download our brochure Germany for the Jewish Traveler. This online version was updated in September 2009.

A Journey of Jewish History

In 2009, Matterhorn Travel offers "Worlds of our Fathers - A Journey of Jewish History in Germany". This 11-day trip introduces you to the portrait of the German-Jewish Epoch and the response of emigration to the United States. For travel dates, detailed itinerary and reservation, click here.