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Martin Luther visited Dresden in 1516 and 1517. In the castle chapel (today a theater) he preached before the Saxon royal court. Indeed, Saxony was the first state that officially introduced the Reformation, coming in two steps, in 1537 and 1539. The first Protestant religious service in Dresden took place with the Kreuz Choir in the city's Kreuz Church.

Masterworks of the most famous of the reformation painters, Louis Cranach, can today be found in the Old Masters PIcture Gallery. Today, the cultural legacy of the Reformation can be seen in the majestic Church of Our Lady. The Semper Opera House stands for Dresden's rich musical tradition.

Luther Path

Following in the reformer's footsteps - the Luther Path is now open!

People can now follow in the footsteps of the reformer Martin Luther in Saxony-Anhalt. The Luther Path is a contribution towards the "Luther 2017 - 500 Years of the Reformation" jubilee.
The path covers 255 miles between the Luther cities of Wittenberg and Eisleben.
It is marked by the signature letter "L" that Martin Luther used. Besides the tourism offerings, the Luther Path also has the potential for increasing religious and spiritual awareness. In the churches and other spots along the way the impact of Luther can be seen, and there are various spiritual sights and events to experience as well.
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