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International extranets in German

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International press centers in German and English
Want to know more about Germany?
Dip into our inspiring E-book and get your first impressions about the sheer diversity of Germany as a travel destination. The E-book is available in 26 different languages. Click here

Further information:
You can find more information about Germany on our website at:, or on our local websites.


Test your Limits!

Fort Fun
Man's dream of flying comes true! The world's one and only Wild Eagle sky glider launches you into the air at 70 km/h and lets you "fly" over the theme park. Fort Fun - just two hours' drive east of Düsseldorf - has many more attractions to get your adrenalin pumping. You can hurtle down the hillside on the Trapper Slider or enjoy getting splashed on the wildwater ride. There are also plenty of thrills on offer - a water bob ride and roller bob ride, for example - at our sister park Panorama Park Sauerland.

Date: Freitag 28.Februar 19:45 Uhr

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