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City Walks

20 Years since the Fall of the Wall - border trails & cultural heritage sites
The Berlin-Potsdam cultural landscape displays impressive harmony and unity around the Glienicke Bridge. It is hard to imagine that just 20 years ago, barbed wire, expanded metal fences and an 11.8 feet high wall cut through this landscape and divided the lives of Germans in the East and the West. Explorations can be made on two guided tours. The history of the historical gardens, the buildings and in particular the lives of the people who lived near the border are explicated.

Information: 2-hour tour

Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
An der Orangerie 1
14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 9694202
Fax: +49 331 9694200


"The Fall of '89 in Leipzig"
When the first worshippers gathered in 1982 for the peace prayers in the St. Nicholas' Church, nobody suspected that these meetings would one day be the start of a revolution, the likes of which had never been seen before. This walk presents the key points of the events in the Fall of 1989 and includes St. Nicholas' Church, Augustusplatz (Augustus square) and the "Runde Ecke" building (Round Corner), the former local Stasi administration center.
Information: 2-hour tour, $10.50 per person plus entrance fees, 25 people per group

Leipzig Erleben GmbH
Tel.: +49 341 7104230
Website (German only)

Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 1
04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 7104260
Fax: +49 341 7104271


"On the trail of the Peaceful Revolution"
The city tour reminds visitors of the events of the year 1989. Contemporary history is retold at the location of the events and thus comes alive and becomes tangible for visitors to the town of Leipzig. The tour includes St. Nicholas' Church where the demand for freedom already became evident in the Spring of '89. The tour continues to Augustusplatz, where mass demonstrations took place in fall and along the "Leipziger Ring" (Leipzig ring road), the demonstrators' marching route.

Bürgerkomitee Leipzig e.V.
Gedenkstaette Museum in der "Runden Ecke"
Dittrichring 24
04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 9612443
Fax: +49 341 9612499


20 Jahre Fall der Berliner Mauer: Kurzchronik

20 Jahre Fall der Berliner Mauer: Kurzchronik