The doors of the elevator close. A jerk initiates the descent and water fills the area. The cubicle dives into the depths, going faster and faster. The beginning of a visit to the virtual sealab OCEANIS, which was the German contribution to the EXPO '98 in Lisbon and the "EXPO am Meer" in Wilhelmshaven. With approximately one million visitors, it was the audiences darling on both world fairs. OCEANIS offers ist visitors various highlights. Besides the elevator, that simulates a rapid trip in 100 meters depth, the OCEANIS-jet takes the visitor on a breathtaking journey back to the surface. Encounters with submarines, reefs and a thunderstorm are some of the attractions during the flight. Between both adventures the visitor takes part in discovering an interactive underwater world. Whether the archive of the sea, research center or engine room, each area invites the guests to explore the secrets of the sea: magnifying glasses for objects which would escape the eye of the observer. Touching boxes create unexpected impressions. Educational films give insight into ship construction, the world of the mudflat as well as ebb and flood. Interactive media anhances the experience. These are only a few of the examples of what OCEANIS offers. This unique experience-exhibition in Germany is opened daily from 10 o' clock until 18 o' clock.
Further information and contact:
Bontekai 63
D-26382 Wilhelmshaven
Tel.: +49 (0) 44 21/75 50 55
Fax: +49 (0) 44 21/7 55 05 65