Check out the following airline companies for special offers:
If you choose to travel by train German Rail has many special ticket including the "Happy Weekend Ticket" for local, weekend travel or the "Laender Ticket" (Federal State ticket) for travel in a particular state. For these and other special deals please visit German Rail.
Coaches and buses are another reasonable alternative. "Deutsche Touring" is a coach company with many special deals for journeys within Germany. For example, you can travel between Frankfurt to Hamburg for just $15.
Use Germany's "Share a Car Ride Service" operated by the "Mitfahrzentrale". On this internet platform registered drivers offer a ride in their car to one or more persons heading in the same direction.
Most of Germany's major cities offer multiple day tickets as well as season tickets for travel on local transportation, which save money over single fares. Visit the local tourist information offices for further information and free subway maps.
Or why not discover some of Germany's most popular cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart or Karlsruhe by bike! Most towns in Germany have a bicycle-hire place (usually located near the main railway station) or bike shops that have two-wheelers for hire. Most have a selection of city, cruising and mountain bikes, with prices ranging from $15 to $37 per day and $51 to $125 per week
Call a Bike is a bike hire service that couldn't be easier. Call or go online to register: Service hotline 07000 5225522* or visit the website. Costs: from 6 cents per minute, no minimum charge, no base charge.