Hiking Experience - Nordic Walking
- 66-Seen Wanderweg
- Altmühltal-Panoramaweg
- Ausoniusweg
- Seensteig
- Burgenwanderweg / Naturpark Hoher Fläming
- Der Donauberglandweg
- Eifelsteig
- Elb-Höhenweg
- Fränkischer Gebirgsweg
- Frankenwald Burgenweg
- Gipfelwanderweg Suhl
- Goethewanderweg Ilmenau
- Goldsteig
- GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Harzer-Hexen-Stieg
- Hermannshöhen
- Der Hochrhöner
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Kyffhäuserweg
- Losheimer Felsenweg
- Mühlensteig
- Mosel.Erlebnis.Route
- Der Oberlausitzer Bergweg
- Der Rennsteig
- Die elf Traumpfade
- Rheinsteig
- Der Rothaarsteig
- Sächsische Schweiz Malerweg
- Saar-Hunsrück-Steig
- Der Schluchtensteig
- Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
- Sintfeld-Höhenweg
- Spessartwege 1 & 2
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Uplandsteig
- Vogtland Panorama Weg
- Themenwanderweg „Von Bach zu Goethe“
- Vulkanring Vogelsberg
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-Nahe
- Weserberglandweg
- Westerwaldsteig
- Westweg
- Winterberger Hochtour
Contact (Route)
UMWELTAMT STADT FRANKFURT a. M.Projektgruppe GrünGürtel
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon 0 69 / 21 23 91 00

Deutscher WanderverbandWilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
D-34121 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-93873-0
E-Mail: info@wanderverband.de
GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
Length, Start/End
62km, circular route from Frankfurt-Nied
Highest elevation: 182m
Altitude profile
62km, circular route from Frankfurt-Nied
Highest elevation: 182m
Altitude profile

1. | Nied - Oberwald | 14 km |
2. | Oberwald - Erlenbruch | 14 km |
3. | Erlenbruch - Berkersheim | 16 km |
4. | Berkersheim - Nied | 18 km |
- discover a holiday region
Vogelsberg hills and the Wetterau region
Museum Embankment Festival Frankfurt
Shopping in Frankfurt
Bad Homburg
Vogelsberg hills and the Wetterau region
Museum Embankment Festival Frankfurt
Shopping in Frankfurt
Bad Homburg
Stamping boxes for your pass book are set up approximately every 7km along the route. Once you have collected all nine stamps, you can get a special badge by presenting your book at the civic services office (Bürgerberatung).
Stamping boxes for your pass book are set up approximately every 7km along the route. Once you have collected all nine stamps, you can get a special badge by presenting your book at the civic services office (Bürgerberatung).
The greener side of Germany's banking capital
Opened in 2003, the GrünGürtel trail goes full circle round Frankfurt's parks, gardens and immediate countryside. Glorious views of the city skyline and surrounding hills follow one after another, as you stride ahead through a variety of different landscapes - revealing a leafier side to the financial heart of Germany.
Most people associate Frankfurt with banks, big business and skyscrapers. Only a lucky few are aware of how enjoyable it is for walking. Unsurprisingly, the nearby hills of the Taunus, Spessart and Odenwald forest have always hogged the limelight, attracting weekend walkers from all over the Rhine-Main region. But more and more people are staying close to home to enjoy the municipal forest and the Nidda valley. Instead of heading for the shops on a Saturday or Sunday, they're taking the bus, train or metro to the outskirts of Frankfurt and exploring their city on foot.
South of the River Main, a walk through the beautiful Stadtwald woods reveals scattered lakes and patches of true ancient forest; the north-west is characterised by endless corn and beet fields, while the cider apple orchards in the north-east offer a splendid counterpoint to the famous skyscrapers. Nature is never too far from view here. Of special note is the section between Heiligenstock and Lohrberg where the views alternate between the Frankfurt skyline and the Taunus hills. Particularly eye-catching are the Altkönig and Grosser Feldberg peaks that rise majestically on the horizon. A long section of the GrünGürtel runs along level ground beside the Nidda river, which rises in the Vogelsberg hills and flows into the Main at Höchst. Round trip completed, you can switch from peace and quiet to hustle and bustle in one of the most exciting cities in Europe. Frankfurt is all the more charming for its unique contrast between ultra-modern skyscrapers in the banking district and historical houses in the old quarter.
Travel Planner
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Travel Information
transport: Verkehrsverbund Frankfurt-Rhein-Main (RMV) is one of the
most extensive public transport networks in Germany. Almost every
point along the route can be reached by train, tram or bus.
21.2 °F, heavy cloudsBremen
26.6 °F, brightDresden
28.4 °F, dull weatherDüsseldorf
32 °F, heavy cloudsErfurt
21.2 °F, cloudyFrankfurt
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsHamburg
23 °F, brightHannover
28.4 °F, cloudyKiel
24.8 °F, brightCologne
32 °F, heavy cloudsMagdeburg
28.4 °F, brightMainz
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsMunich
28.4 °F, cloudyPotsdam
23 °F, fogSaarbrücken
30.2 °F, snow showerSchwerin
15.8 °F, brightWiesbaden
28.4 °F, heavy clouds