Hiking Experience - Nordic Walking
- 66-Seen Wanderweg
- Altmühltal-Panoramaweg
- Ausoniusweg
- Seensteig
- Burgenwanderweg / Naturpark Hoher Fläming
- Der Donauberglandweg
- Eifelsteig
- Elb-Höhenweg
- Fränkischer Gebirgsweg
- Frankenwald Burgenweg
- Gipfelwanderweg Suhl
- Goethewanderweg Ilmenau
- Goldsteig
- GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Harzer-Hexen-Stieg
- Hermannshöhen
- Der Hochrhöner
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Kyffhäuserweg
- Losheimer Felsenweg
- Mühlensteig
- Mosel.Erlebnis.Route
- Der Oberlausitzer Bergweg
- Der Rennsteig
- Die elf Traumpfade
- Rheinsteig
- Der Rothaarsteig
- Sächsische Schweiz Malerweg
- Saar-Hunsrück-Steig
- Der Schluchtensteig
- Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
- Sintfeld-Höhenweg
- Spessartwege 1 & 2
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Uplandsteig
- Vogtland Panorama Weg
- Themenwanderweg „Von Bach zu Goethe“
- Vulkanring Vogelsberg
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-Nahe
- Weserberglandweg
- Westerwaldsteig
- Westweg
- Winterberger Hochtour
Contact (Route)
Telefon 0 71 25 / 94 81 06
Deutscher WanderverbandWilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
D-34121 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-93873-0
E-Mail: info@wanderverband.de
Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
Length, Start/End
365km, Donauwörth - Tuttlingen
Highest elevation: 1,015m
Altitude profile
365km, Donauwörth - Tuttlingen
Highest elevation: 1,015m
Altitude profile
1. | Donauwörth - Schloss Harburg | 16,5 km |
2. | Schloss Harburg - Mönchsdeggingen | 9,7 km |
3. | Mönchsdeggingen - Bopfingen | 28,1 km |
4. | Bopfingen - Schloss Kapfenburg | 13,8 km |
5. | Schloss Kapfenburg - Unterkochen | 16,2 km |
6. | Unterkochen - Volkmarsberg | 7,8 km |
7. | Volkmarsberg - Heubach | 14,5 km |
8. | Heubach - Weißenstein | 13,5 km |
9. | Weißenstein - Gingen | 16,1 km |
10. | Gingen - Wasserberg | 7,7 km |
11. | Wasserberg - Boßler | 14,6 km |
12. | Boßler - Breitenstein | 17 km |
13. | Breitenstein - Burg Teck | 6,8 km |
14. | Burg Teck - Owen | 3,7 km |
15. | Owen - Burg Hohenneuffen | 10,3 km |
16. | Burg Hohenneuffen - Bad Urach | 11,5 km |
17. | Bad Urach - Hohe Warte | 8,2 km |
18. | Hohe Warte - Schloss Lichtenstein | 21,2 km |
19. | Schloss Lichtenstein - Roßberg | 13 km |
20. | Roßberg - Dreifürstenstein | 17,5 km |
21. | Dreifürstenstein - Raichberg | 20,8 km |
22. | Raichberg - Laufen | 8,5 km |
23. | Laufen - Lochenstein | 8,5 km |
24. | Lochenstein - Lettenberg | 5,0 km |
25. | Lettenberg - Lemberg | 13,4 km |
26. | Lemberg - Klippeneck | 8,2 km |
27. | Klippeneck - Tuttlingen | 21,7 km |
- discover a holiday region
Swabian Alb
Historic towns in the Swabian Alb
Swabian Alb Route
Hohenzollern Route
Carnival Museum Sigmaringen
Swabian Alb
Historic towns in the Swabian Alb
Swabian Alb Route
Hohenzollern Route
Carnival Museum Sigmaringen
The Swabian Alb is especially beautiful in early autumn when the beech forests are resplendent in shades of brown and gold, the clear skies grant views as far as the Alps and the sun is still warm enough to bask on the grass.
The Swabian Alb is especially beautiful in early autumn when the beech forests are resplendent in shades of brown and gold, the clear skies grant views as far as the Alps and the sun is still warm enough to bask on the grass.
Along the edge of the Swabian Alb
The Schwäbische Alb Nordrandweg (HW1) offers walking of richly varied appeal along a stunning cuesta landscape: the north-westerly edge of the Swabian Alb, where fabulous views and ancient rock formations follow one after another, not to mention all the castles, ruins and caves. 365 kilometres and never a dull moment.
Swabian Alb from start to finish
On its western edge, the cave-pocked Swabian Alb plateau falls more than 300 metres to the foreland below and the Neckar river. A near vertical drop that gives rise to a spectacular landscape of sheer rock walls and steep forested slopes. Walkers have so much to look forward to, from mighty castles perched on narrow spurs to views that reach all the way to the Black Forest across the Neckar river. A rich variety of flora thrives in the chalky soil, while the dramatic scenery continues on the edge of the plateau. The trail follows the Swabian Alb throughout from Tuttlingen to Donauwörth.
Cultural attractions, historical sites, glorious natural features and panoramic views. This is what you can expect from the Swabian Alb. Your route runs along the north, north-western and western rim of the escarpment over wooded hilltops and the gently rolling, forest-clad terrain of the Härtsfeld plateau, before descending into the Kocher valley. Continuing past Aalen, you climb the densely wooded Albuch peak on all-natural paths along the edge of the plateau, where the stunning views follow in quick succession. Myth-enshrouded Rosenstein hill, Randecker maar and the Urach waterfall show nature at its best, while castles Teck, Weissenstein and Lichtenstein add a historical element to the mix.
Travel Planner
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Quality-certified trail
Travel Information
transport: The Hohenzollernbahn railway runs services right across
the Swabian Alb between Sigmaringen and Hechingen. Trains also follow
the Danube from Donaueschingen to Ulm. Extensive bus routes are
operated by the Swabian Alb-Lake Constance network.
21.2 °F, heavy clouds -
26.6 °F, bright -
28.4 °F, dull weather -
32 °F, heavy clouds -
21.2 °F, cloudy -
28.4 °F, heavy clouds -
23 °F, bright -
28.4 °F, cloudy -
24.8 °F, bright -
32 °F, heavy clouds -
28.4 °F, bright -
28.4 °F, heavy clouds -
28.4 °F, cloudy -
23 °F, fog -
30.2 °F, snow shower -
15.8 °F, bright -
28.4 °F, heavy clouds