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Treasure Chamber of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Between Wittenberg and Magdeburg, the Elbe winds its way through the most extensive area of riverside forest regions in Central Europe: the UNESCO-protected "Middle Elbe" biosphere reserve. However, it is not only the region's nature which UNESCO has protected but also its culture: for instance, you can find UNESCO World Heritage sites in Wittenberg, city of Luther and birthplace of the Reformation.
Also, the enchanting Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, which is one of the most beautiful combinations of nature and culture, as well as the Bauhaus building and Meisterhäuser collection of houses in the famous Bauhaus city of Dessau are UNESCO World Heritage sites.

The Elbe comes of Age

Around Magdeburg the scenery takes on a typically North German appearance with dreamlike riverbank meadows, narrow beaches and wide-open fields. In summer, the Magdeburger Börde region has radiant golden-yellow cornfields. Magdeburg itself is the notable focal point of the Romanesque Route: the city and the surrounding area have 17 significant buildings dating from this era.

Just before Tangermünde the Elbe reaches the Altmark area. Half-timbering, brick architecture and the remains of a medieval castle are the features of the imposing townscape. Not far away is Stendal, the capital of the Altmark, and Havelberg, where a massive Romanesque-Gothic cathedral towers above. Here water-sports enthusiasts and cyclists are in their element as the landscape is flat and covered with a dense network of rivers and the traditional horse market is an annual meeting point for equestrian sports fans.

Biosphere Reserves in the flat Land

Straight past impressive water meadows and pastures, the river Elbe leads you from town to town through the impressive meadow landscape: through the "Elbe-Brandenburg Riverside Biosphere Reserve" just before the gates of Wittenberg and after leaving the small town of Hitzacker it flows through the "Elbe Valley Riverbank Meadows Biosphere. During your time in this extremely diverse landscape you should make a point of looking round the palace in Bleckede, and also take the ferry to Amt Neuhaus, for a special natural and cultural experience as it is here that artists have exhibited their works of art under the open skies.

Date: Samstag 15.März 1:21 Uhr

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