Over 5000 different kinds of beer, 300 healthy kinds of bread, 1200 varieties of fine pastries, 1500 different kinds of sausages, minerals from 550 sources and wine from 13 wine growing regions - and that's not all of Germany's culinary variety. In each region, visitors can find regional specialties: In the North of Germany you can taste the piquant herring salad from Bremen, the Helgoland lobster soup or the Hamburger Rollmops. Further East, in the State of Saxony-Anhalt don't miss the typical dish "Himmel und Erde" (heaven and earth) with potatoes and peas. In Berlin, the Boulette (meatballs), followed by the Berlin Currywurst (sausage with curry sauce) are not to be missed. When it comes to drinks, the Berliner Weisse is known far beyond the city itself. Duesseldorf, in the West, offers knuckle of pork and in Cologne visitors can enjoy "Koelsch" beer. In the South, you can find the small grilled Nuremberger sausages, the Black Forest Cake and typical Enzian schnapps from Berchtesgaden in countless restaurants.